Today’s dynamic work environment demands much more than just elegance and utility. Ingenious modular office furniture designs help in creating efficient workspaces. An effective workspace design also goes a long way in motivating staff to think creatively and accomplish higher efficiency levels. It also eliminates the fatigue element and other occupational hazards, creating a smarter, confident work place.
Flexi Desk X
The desk based system is tailored for the open office layout design. These trend setting linear workstations are dynamic, agile and adaptive to suit varied requirements.
Flexi Desk Y
This alternative system for open office layout suits extensive cabling requirement. Distinctive cable routing paths for electrical and data is the key feature.
Infine Desk X & Y
This desk-based ( L-shaped) system provides more worktop surface per user. Privacy can be provided in the front and the return. This trend-setting desk based workstation is dynamic and adaptive to suit varied requirements.
Honey Comb
This honey comb design structure system is recommended wherein collaboration among smaller teams is critical.